Mountains Of God's Depression - Dominia

Mountains Of God's Depression - Dominia

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这首歌是这几天除了the leaper 之外的惊人发现   第一次接触到这种风格 -旋律死亡金属 

原以为自己不会喜欢 最后发现我错了 很棒的一首歌

一开始是一段很安静甚至很冷的钢琴  然后旋律加强了一些  有情感的味道

两分多钟的时候开始提琴加进来 旋律很赞   然后一个死嗓出现有一种要打破束缚的感觉 

其实它们的清唱很好听的  后面出现了  用死嗓是要营造那种死亡金属的感觉吧


如果大家喜欢的话 会陆续放上这本专辑的好歌


The beggarly old man was sick and infirm

He was standing alone on the road

Miserable angel was visiting him

Someone was crucified the day before

They were talking for a long time

And in tears they were walking to the sky

And the holy son who brings no crime

Came down carefully in the night

He said then: he will return

But now he must fly into the sky

At last He said, they were listening taciturn

Everybody will be saved by the light

The son came back soon and was glad

He had come but his father was sad

The chosen people offended his child

The Great Creator was silent.

And the angels were crying in scare

In embrace of depressive smell

Mighty father was thinking in care

And devil was loathing in hell

Mountains of God's Depression rising up from the Earth

Master of Passion is prepared for his birth.

Mountains of God's Depression rising into Heavens





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