进入下载:We Could Get Lost - Mark Sholtez
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Lyrics 只听了第一段.. yes i take another cab theres all come well outside let me walk with you will take our time make a left make a right.. let the crowd just push your past we dont have to go that fast we can disregard any sign dont care what we leave behind we could get lost in the city we could forget how to make our way home we could for how in the city we could get lost we could get lost... 这首歌是私人诊所第三季最后一集的插曲 "Cooper & Charlotte decide to postpone his proposal until the next day; Sheldon tells Addison to go after Sam if she loves him; Addison & Sam agree that they make each other happy." 来自澳大利亚的弹唱歌手 这首歌来自2010年的新专辑the distance between two truths 目前歌曲都只能通过澳大利亚的itunes购买 |
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